Coronavirus Greetings
Hello fellow geometricians,
We leave much to be covered before the EOC in case that we depart school one week earlier. However, in the wake of the evolving situation around the novel coronavirus in Miami, your safety and that of your loved ones must be the priority.
In order to keep instruction going remotely, I will implement the following measures:
- You are expected to join your class's Remind App group. It is through Remind that I will actively communicate with you, and vice versa. You can find instructions on how to join Remind, under the Remind tab on this website.
I will be online from 7:00-11:00 a.m. to answers any questions that you might have. During this time, you can expect a reply within 5 minutes.
- I will post lesson materials on this website. I am glad you found it.
- Activities will be through Socrative, or through the student portal. I will let you know when activities are assigned and when they are due.
- I check my email daily. If you don't find Remind useful, feel free to email with any questions or concerns:
If you or any member of your family is affected by the virus, please be sure to communicate this to me promptly in order to avoid negatively affecting your grade.
Stay safe, stay healthy, stay Gucci.
Mr. Marrero
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