A DAY: Welcome back!

Hi guys,

Welcome back from spring break! It seems that we will be communicating remotely until at least mid-April. In order to make things a bit more dynamic, I will set up a Zoom account this week. Through this app, we will be able to video chat in case you need one-on-one clarification on concepts from the lesson or on classwork exercises. It will be one more way in which we will be able to keep instruction going, in addition to Remind and this website.

We are getting back into swing with a new unit on Volume, which means we will begin the study of three-dimensional figures.

  1. Click here to download a PDF file of the lesson handout.
  2. Follow this link to see the lesson's video.
  3. Click here to download the completed class notes.
  1. Complete the assigned work through SocrativeThe work is due on Wednesday at 1:15 p.m. 

Need help? Feel free to message me over Remind. I will be online from 7:00 am to 11:00 am. Please include a screenshot of the question. I cannot guarantee a fast response outside these office hours. Remember that email is also an option.

Stay safe,

Mr. Marrero


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